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Routine post

1 minute read

Today has been a bit of a waste for some reason, even though I went to the gym and slept well. I therefore decided to see if writing would somehow make me fe...

The Time I Stopped Drawing

3 minute read

Drawing was a big part of my childhood. I wasn’t very good, but I liked drawing things that I used to see in comic books. In fact for a long time – even into...

India at the WTC finals

1 minute read

On June 7th 2023, India played Australia at the Oval for the World Test Championships Final. I know because I was there. I traveled all the way from Edinburg...

What is this site?

2 minute read

I used to love making websites in the late 90s and early 2000s when I was first introduced to the internet. Geocities used to be my main host, but I also tri...